sitemap.xml 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
2 <siteMap>
3 <siteMapNode title="Welcome" url="~/Login/Login.aspx" />
4 <siteMapNode title="Talent" url="~/Admin/TalentPage2.aspx" />
5 <siteMapNode title="Profile" url="~/User/Profile.aspx" />
6 <siteMapNode title="Events" url="~/Admin/Events2.aspx" />
7 <siteMapNode title="Contact" url="~/Login/Contact.aspx" />
8 <siteMapNode title="Download" url="~/User/Downloads.aspx" />
9 <siteMapNode title="Responses" url="~/SuperAdmin/ResponseView.aspx" />
10 </siteMap>
Main.Master 110 <div id="navigation" class="right rclear">
111 <div id="menu-container" class="right">
112 <ul id="menu">
113 <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server" DataSourceID="XmlDataSource1">
114 <ItemTemplate>
115 <li runat="server" id="item" class="item"
116 visible='<%# this.CanNavigate(Eval("url")) %>'>
117 <asp:HyperLink ID="hl" runat="server"
118 NavigateUrl='<%# Eval("url") %>'
119 Text='<%# Eval("title") %>' />
120 </li>
121 </ItemTemplate>
122 </asp:Repeater>
123 </ul>
124 </div>
125 </div>
138 <asp:XmlDataSource ID="XmlDataSource1" runat="server"
139 DataFile="~/Master/siteMap.xml" ></asp:XmlDataSource>
Main.Master.cs 21 protected bool CanNavigate(object o)
22 {
23 string url = o.ToString();
24 IPrincipal p = HttpContext.Current.User;
25 bool bReturn = UrlAuthorizationModule.CheckUrlAccessForPrincipal(url, p, "get");
26 if (Talent.IsAdminOrBetter(p) && url.EndsWith("Profile.aspx"))
27 {
28 bReturn = false;
29 }
30 if (p.Identity.IsAuthenticated && url.EndsWith("Login.aspx"))
31 {
32 bReturn = false;
33 }
34 return bReturn;
35 }
credit to
this stackoverflow post for the jquery script that will set the 'active' menu item class
Main.Master 59 <script type="text/javascript">
60 $(document).ready(function() {
61 markActiveLink()
62 });
63 function markActiveLink() {
64 //Look through all the links in the menu
65 $("li.item a").filter(function() {
66 //Take the current URL and split it into chunks at each slash
67 var currentURL = window.location.toString().split("/");
68 //return true if the bit after the last slash is the current page name
69 return $(this).attr("href") == currentURL[currentURL.length-1];
70 //when the filter function is done, you're left with the links that match.
71 }).addClass("active");
72 //Afterwards, look back through the links. If none of them were marked,
73 //mark your default one.
74 if ($("li.item a").hasClass("active") == false) {
75 $("li.item:nth-child(1) a").addClass("active");
76 }
77 }
78 </script>
looks like this in then end when logged in as an admin